Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'

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Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'

Common Names

Purple Leaved Wattle, Cootamundra Wattle




An attractive evergreen shrub. New growth on the tree is purple which contrasts with bright yellow spherical flowers which appear from Winter to Spring. A tender shrub with fern-like leaves. Some toxicitiy - all parts may cause discomfort if ingested.


Foliage evergreen
Group broadleaf
Toxic Parts? yes
Height 5 - 8m
Crown Diameter 5m
Crown Shape rounded
Shade Tree? no
Autumn Colour? no
Age - years
Time to Maturity 45 - 50 years
Flower Colour yellow
Fruit Colour
Bee Friendly? yes

Native Areas

Native to Australia - particularly New South Wales.

Preferred growing conditions

Soil pH Range 4.5 - 7 (acidic - slightly acidic - neutral )
Soil Types sand, silt, clay, loam, chalk
Drainage well drained
Soil Fertility
Sunshine full sun
Soil Moisture normal
Tolerates Exposure no
Growth Rate - fast


H 9A H4


How to plant

Water container-grown and rootballed trees well and allow to drain an hour before planting. While it drains dig out an area for the tree that is about 2 to 3 times the diameter of the container or rootball and the same depth as the container or rootball. If the soil is compacted loosen with a fork (this includes the sides of the hole). But beware of having soil that is too loose on the bottom as this will cause the tree to be lower than desired upon watering.

  • If container-grown, put the tree on its side and remove the container. Place in the hole and loosen the roots around the edges without breaking up the root ball too much. Check the depth by place a cane or stick across the diameter - only the root collar should be below and not the main stem.
  • If planting a balled and burlapped tree, remove ties or nails from the burlap at the top of the ball and using a knife if necessary, pull the top of the burlap back, so it does not stick out of the hole when the soil is replaced. Synthetic burlap should be completely removed as it will not decompose. Note burlap sticking out of the hole can wick water away from the tree.
  • For bareroot trees, feel the moisture of the roots by hand - if dry, dunk them in an bucket of water for 10-15 seconds and replace the packaging (if you are not going to plant at that time). Do not plant too deeply - only plant up to the root collar. i.e. the stem should not be covered in soil. Ensure roots are planted firmly and have good contact with the soil.

Fill in the hole with soil and compost, but do not add less than half of the original soil.

Using the soil, create a water ring around the outer edge of the hole. Not only does this conserve water, but it will also direct moisture to the perimeter roots, encouraging outer growth. Once the tree is established, the water ring may be levelled. Studies show that mulched trees grow faster than those unmulched, so add a 3 inch layer of pinestraw, compost, or pulverized bark over backfilled area.

Only prune lower damaged branches if necessary. Water newly planted trees regularly in their first year. Staking is also important in new trees and in exposed areas - a 1 m stake at 45 degrees crossing the stem at a height of 15 cm can provide good support. Be careful of the binding of the stake to ensure the tree is not strangled. Binding should be checked in the second year, as the stem will thicken.

When to plant

Seeds are best planted Spring to early Summer. Plants are best grown first in pots with compost in frost-free conditions or in a conservatory. Fine for outdoors in milder areas of the UK but acclimatise them first for a week before planting.

Tree care

Hedging Potential no
Balcony/Roof Terrace yes
Indoors yes

Potential Pests and Diseases

Pests red spider mites
Diseases fungal galls


Acacia baileyana can be an invasive species displacing local wattles, as well as fixing nitrogen in the soil which can limit the growth of nearby plants.

History and Human Connection

Cootamundra wattle was first described from a tree growing in Bowen’s Park, Brisbane, when material from this specimen was sent by Mr F.M. Bailey to the veteran German-Australian botanist, Ferdinand von Mueller. He named it in 1888 in honour of the sender, so commemorating F.M. Bailey’s pioneering work on the Flora of Queensland.[1]


  • Can be grown as a bonsai


  1. Kew